Recent Programs & Extracurricular Professional Development

Favorite Quote:

  • "Sometimes lateral moves are better than vertical moves" - Kamala Subramaniam

Really grateful to have attended and got a taste of the infamous "googleyness". The virtual event speaks to the dedication of the company in recruiting as well as keeping their Women in Tech.

Salesforce Validation acting like String Parse

My company's org was using the Google Maps API for the build of their Salesforce lead page. As Sales Reps input customer data from an external dashboard, my programming makes sure Sales Reps input of customer address data coming in from the website was in a format compatible for the Salesforce lead page to pull and display the correct corresponding Maps Data for each lead or programming to throw the proper error.

In my opinion, the Maps API was a super developer friendly API to work with.

Linux Scripting vs. Salesforce Reporting

I've dabbled with Linux primarily in university and if in other contexts as secondary and indirect exposure, but I went through the motions of building a script to get a programmatic perspective on Salesforce reporting functionality last week.

Use Case: modifying Opportunities and their associated Customer Service Tasks for heading an incentive program. I'm essentially trying to script and automate the processing of data we do in Excel, Salesforce Reports, and

Motivation: What if it was all done in one script?

Certifications & In Progress Learning

Salesforce Platform I Developer Certification | E.I.T - TBD.